
Faculty of Biological Sciences and Technology was established in 2009 with the very beginning of the JUST. Department of Microbiology started its journey in 2009. Since establishment, this department has become one of the best departments in this university. Dynamic environment for academic activity and research, friendly relationship between teacher and students, co-operative and positive attitude among the members of department etc. have made it possible to become one of the top departments in this university. Despite dealing with some inevitable limitation, Department of Microbiology always dedicated to ensure the best possible provision to the students. Combined effort and dedication of the faculty members and students of this department result in excellent reputation of the students in job market. This department aims not only to make the student just good employee but also to prepare good researchers, future leaders in biological sciences. 

Degrees offered by the department are Bachelor of Science (BSc. Honors.) in Microbiology and Master of Science (MS) in Microbiology, Masters of philosophy(M-phill), Philosophy of Doctorate(PhD). Both undergraduate and post graduate program provide comprehensive knowledge of theoretical as well as applied or practical microbiology which enable the students to become updated with the global trend in the field microbiology like outstanding research achievements and current demand etc.

In addition to academic excellence, there is very good culture of researches in this department. Faculty members have received HEQEP, BAS-USDA, UGC grants, special allocation grant- 2017 through competitive process from the Ministry of Science and Technology, GoB under R&D projects. Remarkable number of students has been awarded with national science and technology (NST) fellowship of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Bangladesh (GoB) to conduct their MS thesis research. A total of 10 students have been received the above-mentioned grant. Students of this department have also been doing their research at NIB (National institute of Biotechnology), Atomic energy Commission, BCSIR, and Department of Microbiology (University of Dhaka) Etc.

Not only academic activities, department of microbiology also arrange various extra-curricular events like indoor games, cultural program, seminar on academic and non-academic topics, workshops etc.