Center Concerning Climate Change Research

Location: Lab 340 (2nd Floor, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Academic Building

‘Center Concerning Climate Change Research’ has been established in 2014 at the Department of Microbiology, Jashore University of Science and Technology under the financial contribution of HEQEP 3rd Round Project by UGC of Bangladesh. The laboratory had already established international collaboration with Department of Biology, University of Bergen, Norway. Undergraduate, Masters, MPhil and PhD students are working at the laboratory in the field of environmental microbiology, molecular biology, disease prevalence, climate change and public health issues. The laboratory also arrange training program on operation of advanced instruments for the MS students of department of Microbiology. Data generated by the research work will not only secure academic degree or to create academic publications, but also help to understand the public health situation in the vulnerable communities, which ultimately help policy making.

The laboratory has been equipped with advanced instruments to facilitate the environmental microbiology and molecular research. It has the capacity to test the water and environmental quality, microbiological assessments of water, food, wastewater as well as clinical microbiological analyses. The laboratory has PCR machine, Gel documentation system and Fluorometer to work on identification, measurement and size determination of biomolecules such as DNA, RNA and protein. Both horizontal and vertical electrophoresis machine make possible to work on DNA and protein chemistry, Western and Southern blot analysis.